Ask the Mind behind The Lost Crown

Der Macher von The Lost Crown und DarkFall steht Rede und Antwort.
Beiträge: 15218
Registriert: 12.02.2006, 17:04

Re: Ask the Mind behind The Lost Crown

Beitrag von Möwe »

Dear Jonathan,

thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.
I have a few questions, but the most urgent thing i want to know is:
How can i get a copy of The Displacement?? It's the only game you made that i don't know. And as an early work it may be very interesting.
... Oh, balderdash, i love all your games and i simply want to have it.
Der Mensch ist das einzige Lebewesen, dass im Fliegen eine warme Mahlzeit zu sich nehmen kann.
Schreien stärkt die Stimme, nicht die Argumente.
Beiträge: 2292
Registriert: 31.07.2005, 21:32

Re: Ask the Mind behind The Lost Crown

Beitrag von JackVanian »

Thanks a lot for the answer, Jonthan - much appreciated! :)

I have seen Blood on Satan's Claw and loved it, but still have to see Witchfinder General. Should be the right thing for me. :)

Aside of that I'd still be interested in finding out your favorite horror movies of all time and the reasons for each film.
Then I would like to hear your opinion on FMV games. I mean you're using photorealistic elements already and since playing The Lost Crown I always thought it would be great to see a FMV game by you. Any chance that might happen one day?
Beiträge: 15218
Registriert: 12.02.2006, 17:04

Re: Ask the Mind behind The Lost Crown

Beitrag von Möwe »

Here a statement Mr. Boakes gave at Gameboomers, regarding his new games about Saxton:
There's an fun saying, regarding bus stops, that goes 'you wait an hour for a bus, then three come along at the same time'.

It's been a bit longer than an hour since any 'Crown' news, sorry(!!) but I'm pleased to say that I've been writing the third Crown game, behind the scenes. While making game two, 'The Last Crown - Haunting of Hallowed Isle', I found it logical to carry on through and write the next one while the atmosphere was fresh in my mind.

I've always had plans for a Trilogy, given that three Anglo-Saxon noblemen arrived on Saxton Shore, all those centuries ago.
Ganwulf, Pendread and their father Auldwulf.
Ganwulf, we met in The Lost Crown, but game two concerns his brother, Pendraed. His story takes us out to Hallowed Isle, just off the coast of Saxton. It's been wonderful to find new locations, create new characters, and think up new ghost-stories (the binding fabric of the Crown games).
Basically, I've got a bit addicted to Saxton, with it's folky feel and timeless atmosphere. That's always a good sign!

So, I'm pleased to announce that the third game, 'The First Crown' will follow on next year. Wonderfully confusing titles! The 'first' is the 'last', and all that.

For now, I look forward to finally revealing some scenes from the next instalment, in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, some scenes will appear via the GDC Expo too!
It seems like an age since Nigel first walked into Saxton, from across the Fens, "Deep, dark, swamp-like water", but I'm buzzing with enthusiasm for the next games. It's a great little world, with peculiar goings on, which is very close to me. While there's interest in my games, I'll keep making them. It really is a privilege to be able to make these things, like mini interactive films, which I enjoy immensely. So expect plenty more from me.
I'm addicted to Saxton, too, Mr. Boakes! And very expectant and excited.
Der Mensch ist das einzige Lebewesen, dass im Fliegen eine warme Mahlzeit zu sich nehmen kann.
Schreien stärkt die Stimme, nicht die Argumente.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 29.12.2012, 08:33

Re: Ask the Mind behind The Lost Crown

Beitrag von rahul12 »

It's been a bit longer than an hour since any 'Crown' news, sorry(!!) but I'm pleased to say that I've been writing the third Crown game, behind the scenes. While making game two, 'The Last Crown - Haunting of Hallowed Isle', I found it logical to carry on through and write the next one while the atmosphere was fresh in my mind.